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Validation with marshmallow

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Now that we've got our schemas written, let's use them to validate incoming data to our API.

With Flask-Smorest, this couldn't be easier!

Let's start with resources/

Validation in resources/

At the top of the file, import the schemas:

from schemas import ItemSchema, ItemUpdateSchema

We have two sets of data that may be incoming (in the JSON body of a request): new items and updating items.

So let's go to the ItemList#post method and make a couple changes!

First, let's get rid of the existing data validation. Delete the highlighted lines below:

def post(self):
item_data = request.get_json()
if (
"price" not in item_data
or "store_id" not in item_data
or "name" not in item_data
message="Bad request. Ensure 'price', 'store_id', and 'name' are included in the JSON payload.",
for item in items.values():
if (
item_data["name"] == item["name"]
and item_data["store_id"] == item["store_id"]
abort(400, message=f"Item already exists.")

item_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
item = {**item_data, "id": item_id}
items[item_id] = item

return item

Now, I know what you're thinking! What about item_data? Do we not need to keep that?

When we use marshmallow for validation with Flask-Smorest, it will inject the validated data into our method for us.

Look at these two highlighted lines:

def post(self, item_data):
for item in items.values():
if (
item_data["name"] == item["name"]
and item_data["store_id"] == item["store_id"]
abort(400, message=f"Item already exists.")

item_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
item = {**item_data, "id": item_id}
items[item_id] = item

return item


Plus, doing this also adds to your Swagger UI documentation.

Let's do the same when updating items:

def put(self, item_data, item_id):
item = items[item_id]
item |= item_data

return item
except KeyError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
Order of parameters

Be careful here since we've now got item_data and item_id. The URL arguments come in at the end. The injected arguments are passed first, so item_data goes before item_id in our function signature.

Validation in resources/

Now let's do the same in!

At the top of the file, import the schema:

from schemas import StoreSchema

When creating a store, we'll have this:

def post(cls, store_data):
for store in stores.values():
if store_data["name"] == store["name"]:
abort(400, message=f"Store already exists.")

store_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
store = {**store_data, "id": store_id}
stores[store_id] = store

return store